April's Introduction...˚˖𓍢ִִ໋  

It's no late April Fools joke, the April newspaper is now out! This month Roter Fuchs has seen some major changes, such as a huge surge in activity that led to emergency applications, we can't thank everyone enough for it. A quick reminder that the huge Roter Fuchs revival update is right around the corner so stay tuned! With that out of the way, please enjoy this month's newspaper! 

Milestones & Achievements ༊·˚

69,000 Members!

Throughout the entire month of April, we have had the largest growth in members and activity we have had in years, gaining over 10,000 Roblox members! Additionally, growing to over 9,000 Discord members!

Application Season!

April has been a record-breaking month, having 2 application seasons and the greatest number of applicants Roter Fuchs has ever had! In total, we had over 2,700 applications combined between the April applications and emergency applications!