Interviews ˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒

MR+ Testimony:

Adam has been a returning staff member for quite some time, and since his return he has blown us away with his activity. He has been a member of our Training Assistant program for quite a bit now and his overall activity has given us an easy decision on this month's SOTM. He not only is an active staff member, but his humor and easy-going attitude makes him very approachable and very welcoming to our new staff. Congratulations Adam!

Staff of The Month! ˖⚘‎₊˚ 

My journey began in March 2022, back then I just looked at Roter as a hobby, shift once in a while you know, I got to School's Trainer, then my first chapter ended. About one and a half year later, in the middle of December 2023, I became staff with my friends Blair & Louve (louve joined after us). From there I don't even know what happened. About three months later I became an associate dean of the arts, probably a week or two after that I applied for TA, which I then became. Becoming a TA really excited me, and I really enjoyed and still enjoy helping people getting trained, after my first month at the TA program, I got trainer of the month, which I'm extremely grateful for. Then, about two weeks ago, I got staff of the month, I can't even describe how grateful I am for this. Which brings me to today, I'm an Aushilfslehrerin and have been staff for about 5 months so far. What has helped me? Probably all of my friends in the community, especially in the staff team itself. Every single one of my promotions have been with both Maren, and Blair, I believe these are individuals that have helped me stayed motivated to work. There are SO many people in the staff team that have helped me and helped me stay motivated, but I won't name them all. You know who you are! The absolutely outstanding Neulings and MR+ team has also helped me tremendously in my journey here, not only as friends, but as helping hands that have guided me to where I am today. To me this achievement means a lot, really. I feel like this will help me in my future journey within Roter, it'll help me reach for higher goals, so again; I'm really, really grateful. Thank you all for helping me get to this point. The advice I would give is to please please ask for help if you need it. All of us in the community, especially in the staff team, are here and willing to help. To the lower ranked LRs specifically, don't over-work yourselves! 


⚜️ Schulleiterin

I manage all of the social media platforms, help manage development, and manage group funding. Archie coming back and us working on a few big projects, some that aren't announced yet, either. If you want to become staff, it's not that difficult, you do have to put in effort to become staff and stay as staff, but if you really enjoy the academia/teaching aspect of the game, then you'll like it. I'd say we're a less strict community as long as you're not being smart with how you act around people, especially strangers. Roter life forever, I love the SHRs, they've been my BFFs forever and I love the staff too; they're all so silly and awesome and I love what it has become.


📏 School's Lehrer

Hello, I’m Tiffany, though you may know me as Dee or Ronathon12346 (I have wayyy too many online names to go around), I’m a Lehrer, very recently promoted to such. I’m a Liberal Arts major, I tend to lean towards the writing aspect of Liberal Arts, poetry especially. So far I haven’t done much publicly as a mentor, but that should change soon, as I’ve been working on some mentor stuff behind the scenes. I’m hoping I can help people with my role. I haven’t had a chance to host any game nights yet, but it’s definitely on my docket, I’m still trying to figure out what to host, however. As a mentor my main goal to to help newer staff members get acclimated to the team, I remember when I started out I was filled with a lot of stress, and I hope to alleviate that in others. My biggest advice to lower staff members is to not be afraid to ask questions, I can’t speak for everyone but I’m always willing to help if you’re confused or stressed, and I think we’d all prefer you asked a question than assumed something that turned out to be wrong. I’m sure that’s easier said than done for some people, but it’s always worth considering! 


🧼 School's Hausmeister

Hi, my name is Orb! I like to draw and I am studying veterinary medicine! My rank is School’s Hausmeister! I applied because it looked fun and there were a lot of things I enjoyed about the game. My journey has just begun, but I have had some shifts and I think one of my memorable moments would be meeting a staff member friend who I enjoyed shifting with! When I saw that I passed, I was shocked at first. When I saw “Wave 4” on the notification and I thought “Oh, they must’ve pinged everyone!” but then it hit me that they don’t just do that… I was super excited and shocked! For anyone considering applying, I would tell them about the lesson plans you’d have to make. Yes, it can be hard, but it can also be very fun creating new topics for your department! Also, teamwork is KEY to this game. You will make friends fast as a staff member! What makes it great is that you get to have fun, so make it your own and enjoy it. I do 100% recommend asking for help, making mistakes is normal and mistakes are what help you fix your problems! 


🦊 Schüler

Well, I’m a former Lehrer, I was in the community for over a year before I resigned as staff, but I do my best to stay active within the community as a student! I go by either Zoya or Angel, whichever one you’d prefer really. Most of my close friends from Roter have either resigned, or become MRs, so there’s that! Well, shortly after finding out about the game I joined the community and group, and from thereon I developed the friends and connections I have today! It was rather sudden honestly, but Roter welcomed me in all the same. I had always been interested in games similar to Roter, such as Eden’s Orphan Home and De Pride Isle Sanatorium, however Roter has been by far my best staff and student experience out of everywhere I’ve been. I feel like I truly belong here. The community is nothing short of AMAZING. Though there’s the occasional troll here and there, that’s merely the con of a growing community. No one can stop it from occurring, but the way the MRs quickly diffuse and handle situations is absolutely top-tier. The students are kind and understanding, and the staff are easygoing and supportive. It’s truly an amazing, positive community. Karma has done an amazing job at building this from the ground up, and I’m glad he continues to build upon this project of his. It’s truly amazing.